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Examples of Hadiths which insult and demonise the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Writer's picture: GODs MessageGODs Message

Updated: May 30, 2024

The study which LampOfIslam and Siraj Islam have conducted and the examination of the recorded 'narrations' contained in hadith books which both idolise and demonise the Prophet Muhammad, we can see why the Quran presaged the Hadith-whisperers as Prophet’s enemy (6:112; cf. 25:30-31; 7:194-204). And why the most aggressive weapon in the hands of the Islamophobes to attack Islam are these Hadith.

Please verify all the verses from the Quran and the examples of Hadiths yourself.

The examples below demonstrate how hadiths, including the so-called sahih hadiths, constantly insult and demonise Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):


1. Muhammad is a torturer

Some people of ‘Ukl or ‘Uraina tribe came to Medina and its climate did not suit them. So the Prophet ordered them to go to the herd of (Milch) camels and to drink their milk and urine (as a medicine). So they went as directed and after they became healthy, they killed the shepherd of the Prophet and drove away all the camels. The news reached the Prophet early in the morning and he sent (men) in their pursuit and they were captured and brought at noon. He then ordered to cut their hands and feet (and it was done), and their eyes were branded with heated pieces of iron, They were put in ‘Al-Harra’ and when they asked for water, no water was given to them.” Narrated by Abu Qilaba, attributed to Anas. Bukhari 1:4:234; also Bukhari 7:71:590

The Messenger said, “Get him away from me and cut off his tongue.” Ishaq:595


2. Muhammad is a plunderer

The Prophet (sa) said, “My livelihood is under the shade of my spear, and he who disobeys my orders will be humiliated by paying Jizya.” Footnote: “Under the shade of my spear” means “from war booty”. Narrated by Ibn ‘Umar. Bukhari 4:88


3. Muhammad is a warmonger

Expeditions Led by Allah’s Messenger: In this year, according to all Sira writers, the Messenger personally led the Ghazwa of Alwa. (A Ghazwa is an Islamic Invasion in Allah’s cause consisting of an army unit led by the Prophet himself.) He left Sa’d in command of Medina. On this raid his banner was carried by Hamzah. He stayed out for fifteen days and then returned to Medina. The Messenger went on a Ghazwa at the head of two hundred of his companions in October, 623 and reached Buwat. His intention was to intercept a Quraysh caravan with a hundred men and twenty-five hundred camels. Tabari, Vol.7, p.15


4. Muhammad is a mass murderer

The Jews were made to come down, and Allah’s Messenger imprisoned them. Then the Prophet went out into the marketplace of Medina, and he had trenches dug in it. He sent for the Jewish men and had them beheaded in those trenches. They were brought out to him in batches. They numbered 800 to 900 boys and men. Ishaq 464; also Bukhari 5:59:362 and Muslim 19:4364


5. Muhammad is an aggressor

God’s Messenger said: “I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah’s Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah.” Reported by Ibn Umar. Bukhari 1:2:24


6. Muhammad orders to burn people and houses with fire

Allah’s Messenger sent us in a mission (i.e. an army-unit) and said, “If you find so-and-so and so-and-so, burn both of them with fire.” When we intended to depart, Allah’s Messenger said, “I have ordered you to burn so-and-so and so-and-so, and it is none but Allah Who punishes with fire, so, if you find them, kill them.” Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:52:259

The Prophet said, “Certainly I decided to order the Mu’adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.” Narrated Abu Huraira. Bukhari 1:11:626


7. Muhammad orders to kill apostates

The Prophet said, “If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.” Reported by Ikrima, attributed to Ali. Bukhari 4:52:260

Allah’s Messenger (sa) said, “The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims.” Narrated by `Abdullah. Bukhari 9:83:17

Allah’s Apostle said, “During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, where-ever you find them, kill them, for who-ever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated by ‘Ali. Bukhari 9:84:64


8. Muhammad is a terrorist

Allah’s Messenger said, “I have been sent with the shortest expressions bearing the widest meanings, and I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy), and while I was sleeping, the keys of the treasures of the world were brought to me and put in my hand.” Abu Huraira added: Allah’s Messenger has left the world and now you, people, are bringing out those treasures (i.e. the Prophet did not benefit by them). Narrated Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:52:220


9. Muhammad orders to kill someone who posed no threat

An infidel spy came to the Prophet while he was on a journey. The spy sat with the companions of the Prophet and started talking and then went away. The Prophet said (to his companions), “Chase and kill him.” So, I killed him. The Prophet then gave him the belongings of the killed spy (in addition to his share of the war booty). Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa. Bukhari 4:52:286


10. Muhammad allows killing through deception and lying

The Prophet said, “Who is ready to kill Ka’b bin Ashraf (i.e. a Jew).” Muhammad bin Maslama replied, “Do you like me to kill him?” The Prophet replied in the affirmative. Muhammad bin Maslama said, “Then allow me to say what I like.” The Prophet replied, “I do (i.e. allow you).” Narrated Jabir. Bukhari 4:52:271


11. Muhammad promotes rape of female captives of war

We got female captives in the war booty and we used to do coitus interruptus with them. So we asked Allah’s Messenger about it and he said, “Do you really do that?” repeating the question thrice, “There is no soul that is destined to exist but will come into existence, till the Day of Resurrection.” Narrated Abu Said Al-Khudri. Bukhari 7:62:137

Narrated Buraida: The prophet sent Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus ((one fifth) of the booty) and I hated Ali, and Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave girl from the Khumus). I said to Khalid, “Don’t you see this (i.e. Ali)?” When we reached the prophet I mentioned that to him. He said, “O Buraida! Do you hate Ali?” I said, “Yes” He said, “Do you hate him, for he deserves more than that from the Khumus.” Bukhari 5:59:637


12. Muhammad is a hate-preacher

The Prophet said: The best of the actions is to love for the sake of Allah and to hate for the sake of Allah. Abu Dawud 40:4582

The Prophet said: If anyone loves for Allah’s sake, hates for Allah’s sake, gives for Allah’s sake and withholds for Allah’s sake, he will have perfect faith. Narrated by Abu Umamah. Abu Dawud 40:4664

Allah’s Messenger said: Do not salute them (non-Muslims) first, and when you meet them on the road, force them to go to the narrowest part of it. Reported by Abu Hurayrah. Abu Dawud 41:5186; also Muslim 26:5389 and 26:5390


13. Muhammad is an anti-Semite

The Messenger (sa) said: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him. Narrated Abu Huraira. Muslim 41:6985, Bukhari 4:56:791

The Prophet said, “A group of Israelites were lost. Nobody knows what they did. But I do not see them except that they were cursed and changed into rats, for if you put the milk of a she-camel in front of a rat, it will not drink it, but if the milk of a sheep is put in front of it, it will drink it.” Narrated Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:54:524

The Prophet burned the garden of date palms of (the Jewish tribe) Bani an-Nadir. Reported by Ibn Umar. Bukhari 4:52:263


14. Muhammad is suicidal

After a few days Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was also paused for a while and the Prophet became so sad as we have heard that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of high mountains and every time he went up the top of a mountain in order to throw himself down, Gabriel would appear before him and say, “O Muhammad! You are indeed Allah’s Messenger in truth” whereupon his heart would become quiet and he would calm down and would return home. And whenever the period of the coming of the inspiration used to become long, he would do as before, but when he used to reach the top of a mountain, Gabriel would appear before him and say to him what he had said before. Bukhari 9:87:111


15. Muhammad is bewitched

Once the Prophet was bewitched so that he began to imagine that he had done a thing which in fact he had not done. Narrated Aisha. Bukhari 4:53:400

A Jew from Banu Zuraiq who was called Labid b. al-A’sam cast spell upon Allah’s Messenger (sa) with the result that he felt that he had been doing something whereas in fact he had not been doing that. (This state of affairs lasted) until one day or during one night Allah’s Messenger (sa) made supplication (to dispel its effects). Reported by A’isha. Muslim 26:5428


16. Muhammad suffers from delusion and hallucination

Jabir b. Samura reported Allah’s Messenger (sa) as saying: I recognise the stone in Mecca which used to pay me salutations before my advent as a Prophet and I recognise that even now. Muslim 30:5654

Narrated ‘Aisha: Allah’s Messenger said, “O Aisha! This is Gabriel sending his greetings to you.” I said, “Peace, and Allah’s Mercy be on him.” ‘Aisha added: The Prophet used to see things which we used not to see. Bukhari 8:73:220


17. Muhammad is a megalomaniac

The Prophet said: None of you will have faith till he loves me more than his father, his children and all mankind. Narrated Anas. Bukhari 1:2:14; also Bukhari 1:2:13

Narrated Abu Said Al-Mualla: While I was praying, the Prophet passed by and called me, but I did not go to him till I had finished my prayer. When I went to him, he said, “What prevented you from coming?” I said, “I was praying.” He said, “Didn’t Allah say: O you who believes Give your response to Allah and to His Messenger (8.24)?” Bukhari 6:60:226; also Bukhari 6:60:1 and Bukhari 6:60:170

The Prophet said: I have been given five things which were not given to any one else before me. 1. Allah made me victorious by awe by His terrorizing my enemies. 2. The earth has been made for me. 3. Booty has been made lawful for me yet it was not lawful for anyone else before me. 4. I have been given the right of intercession. 5. Every Prophet used to be sent to his nation only but I have been sent to all mankind. Bukhari 1.331


18. Muhammad is a sex maniac

The Prophet used to pass by (have sexual relation with) all his wives in one night, and at that time he had nine wives. Narrated Anas bin Malik. Bukhari 7:62:142

Anas bin Malik said: “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number.” I asked Anas, “Had the Prophet the strength for it?” Anas replied, “We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men).” Narrated Qatada. Bukhari 1:5:268

Allah’s Messenger (sa) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart. Narrated Jabir. Muslim 8:3240

Then we reached Khaibar; and when Allah enabled him to conquer the Fort (of Khaibar), the beauty of Safiya bint Huyai bin Akhtab was described to him. Her husband had been killed while she was a bride. So Allah’s Messenger selected her for himself and … took her for his wife. Narrated Anas bin Malik. Bukhari 4:52:143


19. Muhammad fondles his wives while in menses

‘Aisha said, “Whenever Allah’s Apostle wanted to fondle anyone of us during her periods (menses), he used to order her to put on an Izar and start fondling her.” ‘Aisha added, “None of you could control his sexual desires as the Prophet could.” Reported by Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Aswad on the authority of his father. Bukhari 1:6:299


20. Muhammad promotes polygyny

The Prophet said, “Solomon (the son of) David said, ‘Tonight I will sleep with seventy ladies each of whom will conceive a child who will be a knight fighting for “Allah’s Cause.’ His companion said, ‘If Allah will.’ But Solomon did not say so; therefore none of those women got pregnant except one who gave birth to a half child.” The Prophet further said, “If the Prophet Solomon had said it (i.e. ‘If Allah will’) he would have begotten children who would have fought in Allah’s Cause.” Shuaib and Ibn Abi Az-Zinad said, “Ninety (women) is more correct (than seventy).” Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:55:635

Narrated Said bin Jubair: Ibn ‘Abbas asked me, “Are you married?” I replied, “No.” He said, “Marry, for the best person (i.e., Muhammad) of this nation of all Muslims, had the largest number of wives.” Bukhari 7:62:7


21. Muhammad is a wife beater

Narrated ‘A’isha: The Messenger of Allah (sa) … struck me on the chest which caused me pain (when she left the house one evening without his permission). Muslim 4:2127


22. Muhammad allows wife beating

The Prophet (sa) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife. Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab. Abu Dawud 11:2142 and 11:2141; also Ibn Majah 3:9:1986

A woman came to the messenger and begged him to stop her husband from beating her. Her skin was bruised so badly that it was greener than the green veil she was wearing. The messenger did not admonish her husband, but instead told her to return to him and submit to him as long as he is not impotent. On seeing her bruises, Aisha said, ‘I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women’. (summarised) Bukhari 7:72:715; also Muslim 4:2127

When Umar came to the messenger of Allah (sa) and said: Women have become emboldened towards their husbands, he gave permission to beat them. Reported by Iyas bin ‘Abd Allah bin Abi Dhubab. Abu Dawud 2141; also Ibn Majah 9:1985


23. Muhammad is a male chauvinist

Allah’s Messenger said, “Evil omen is in the women, the house and the horse.” Narrated Abdullah bin ‘Umar. Bukhari 7:62:30; also Bukhari 7:62:31 and 7:62:32

“After me I have not left any affliction more harmful to men than women.” Narrated Usama bin Zaid, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:33

“I stood at the gate of Paradise and saw that the majority of the people who entered it were the poor … Then I stood at the gate of the Fire and saw that the majority of those who entered it were women.” Narrated by Usama, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:124

The tradition (of the Prophet) is that if someone marries a virgin and he has already a matron wife (with him), then he should stay with the virgin for seven days; and if someone marries a matron (and he has already a virgin wife with him) then he should stay with her for three days. Narrated by Anas. Bukhari 7:62:140

When the Prophet heard the news that the people of the Persia had made the daughter of Khosrau their Queen (ruler), he said, “Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler.” Narrated by Abu Bakra. Bukhari 92:50


24. Muhammad portrays women as inferior

The Prophet said (to some women), “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.” Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri. Bukhari 1:6:301

The Prophet said (to some women), “Isn’t the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?” The women said, “Yes.” He said, “This is because of the deficiency of a woman’s mind.” Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri. Bukhari 3:48:826


25. Muhammad makes women slaves to their husbands

“A woman should not fast except with her husband’s permission if he is at home (staying with her).” Narrated by Abu Huraira, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:120

“If a man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses to come to him, then the angels send their curses on her till morning.” Narrated by Abu Huraira, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:121

“If a woman spends the night deserting her husband’s bed (does not sleep with him), then the angels send their curses on her till she comes back (to her husband).” Narrated by Abu Huraira, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:122

“It is not lawful for anyone to prostrate to anyone. But if I would have ordered any person to prostrate to another, I would have commanded wives to prostrate to their husbands because of the enormity of the rights of husbands over their wives.” Ibn Majah 1:595

“No human should prostrate to another, and if it were permissible for a human to prostrate to another I would have ordered a wife to prostrate to her husband because of the enormity of his rights over her. By God, if there is an ulcer excreting puss from his feet to the top of his head, and she licked it for him she would not fulfill her rights.” Reported by Anas b. Malik, attributed to the Prophet. Ibn Hanbal, Musnad 3:200

“If a woman dies while her husband was pleased with her, she will enter Paradise.” Narrated by Umm Salamah, attributed to the Prophet. Tirmidhi 286


26. Muhammad insults and derogates women

“Prayer is invalidated by (the passage of) a woman, a donkey and a dog.” Narrated by Abu Hurayrah, attributed to the Prophet. Muslim 511; also Bukhari 1:9:490

“Finding a good woman among women is similar to finding a white crow among a hundred crows.” Attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari, Ahmad b. Hanbal’s Musnad, Nisa’I, cited by al-Ghazali

“If the body of the husband is covered with pus and his wife licks it with her tongue, she still will not be able to pay her debt to him.” Attributed to the Prophet. Ahmad b. Hanbal’s Musnad, 12153; al-Jaami’, 7725

“The woman is like a rib; if you try to straighten her, she will break. So if you want to get benefit from her, do so while she still has some crookedness.” Narrated by Abu Huraira, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:113

“I advise you to take care of the women, for they are created from a rib and the most crooked portion of the rib is its upper part; if you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will remain crooked, so I urge you to take care of the women.” Narrated by Abu Huraira, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:114

“The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women’s) private parts (i.e. the stipulations of the marriage contract).” Narrated by ‘Uqba, attributed to the Prophet. Bukhari 7:62:81


27. Muhammad is a rapist

When Allah’s Messenger saw her (Safiya), he said (to Dihya): Take any other woman from among the prisoners. … He then granted her emancipation and married her (Muhammad takes Safiya after battle of Khaibar for himself from Dihya who had already chosen her). Muslim 008:3325. A long narration of this alleged event is also found in Bukhari 1:8:367


28. Muhammad is a homophobe

The Prophet (sa) said: There is nothing I fear for my ummah more than the deed of the people of Loot. Narrated by Jaabir. Tirmidhi 1457


29. Muhammad is a cross-dresser

The Prophet said (to Um Salamah): O Um Salama! Do not hurt me with Aisha; for by Allah, the inspiration did not descent on me while I was in the coverings (lihaf) of any of you (women) except Aisha. Narrated by Abdullah ibn Abdel Wahab. Bukhari 3941


30. Muhammad is a deceiver

I am the best of plotters. I deceived them with My guile so that I delivered you from them. Ishaq:323


31. Muhammad is a hypocrite

The Messenger of Allah forbade facing the Qiblah when urinating. But I saw him, one year before he died, facing the Qiblah (while urinating). Narrated by Jabir. Ibn Majah 1:325:1

The Prophet got married while he was in the state of Ihram. Narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas. Bukhari 7:62:49 (in a state of ihram, the focus should be God, not marriage)


32. Muhammad is a liar and oath-breaker

We stayed for a short while, and then I said to my companions, “Allah’s Messenger has forgotten his oath. By Allah, if we do not remind Allah’s Messenger of his oath, we will never be successful.” So we returned to the Prophet and said, “O Allah’s Messenger! We asked you for mounts, but you took an oath that you would not give us any mounts; we think that you have forgotten your oath.’ He said, ‘It is Allah Who has given you mounts. By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and later find something else better than that then I do what is better and expiate my oath.’ Narrated by Zahdam. Bukhari 7:67:427


33. Muhammad forgets his promise

They came to the messenger and called upon him to answer these questions. He said to them, ‘I will give you your answer tomorrow,’ but he did not say, ‘if God will.’ So they went away; and the messenger, so they say, waited for fifteen days without a revelation from God on the matter, nor did Gabriel come to him, so that the people of Mecca began to spread evil reports, saying, ‘Muhammad promised us an answer on the morrow, and today is the fifteenth day we have remained without an answer.’ Sirat Rasul Allah, p. 133


34. Muhammad is dispraised

Allah’s Messenger said: Doesn’t it astonish you how Allah protects me from the Quraish’s abusing and cursing? They abuse Mudhammam and curse Mudhammam while I am Muhammad (and not Mudhammam). Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:56:733


35. Muhammad is unjust and holds double standard

If one murders a Muslim, he should be killed for retribution, but if he murders a disbeliever, he is fine and no retribution is required:

The Messenger of Allah said: It is not permissible to kill a Muslim except in one of three cases: A adulterer who has been married, who is to be stoned; a man who kills a Muslim deliberately; and a man who leaves Islam and wages war against Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and His Messenger, who is to be killed, crucified or banished from the land. Narrated by ‘Aishah. Nasa’i 5:45:4747

The Prophet (sa) said: A believer should not be killed in retaliation for the murder of a disbeliever, and a person who has a treaty should not be killed during the time of the treaty. Narrated by Ibn ‘Abbas. Ibn Majah 3:21:2660


36. Muhammad gives himself extra favours

Muhammad is teased by his wife when he allegedly gives himself extra privileges and immunities, through convenient revelations:

Narrated Aisha: I used to look down upon those ladies who had given themselves to Allah’s Messenger and I used to say, “Can a lady give herself (to a man)?” But when Allah revealed: “You (O Muhammad) can postpone (the turn of) whom you will of them (your wives), and you may receive any of them whom you will; and there is no blame on you if you invite one whose turn you have set aside (temporarily).’ (33.51) I said (to the Prophet), “I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.” Bukhari 6:60:311


37. Muhammad is a nepotist

I heard Allah’s Messenger who was on the pulpit, saying, “Banu Hisham bin Al-Mughira have requested me to allow them to marry their daughter to Ali bin Abu Talib, but I don’t give permission, and will not give permission unless ‘Ali bin Abi Talib divorces my daughter in order to marry their daughter, because Fatima is a part of my body, and I hate what she hates to see, and what hurts her, hurts me.” Narrated by Al-Miswar bin Makhrama. Bukhari 7:62:157


38. Muhammad and his companions prosper through war booties

Whenever a dead man in debt was brought to Allah’s Messenger he would ask, “Has he left anything to repay his debt?” If he was informed that he had left something to repay his debts, he would offer his funeral prayer, otherwise he would tell the Muslims to offer their friend’s funeral prayer. When Allah made the Prophet wealthy through conquests, he said, “I am more rightful than other believers to be the guardian of the believers, so if a Muslim dies while in debt, I am responsible for the repayment of his debt, and whoever leaves wealth (after his death) it will belong to his heirs.” Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 3:37:495

One of the arguments put forward by Umar was that he said that the Messenger of Allah (sa) received three things exclusively to himself: Banu an-Nadir, Khaybar and Fadak. The Banu an-Nadir property was kept wholly for his emergent needs, Fadak for travellers, and Khaybar was divided by the Messenger of Allah (sa) into three sections: two for Muslims, and one as a contribution for his family. If anything remained after making the contribution of his family, he divided it among the poor Emigrants. Narrated by Umar ibn al-Khattab, attributed to Malik ibn Aws al-Hadthan. Abu Dawud 19:2961

Whenever Allah’s Messenger (sa) ordered us to give in charity, we used to go to the market and work as porters and get a Mudd (a special measure of grain) and then give it in charity. (Those were the days of poverty) and today some of us have one hundred thousand. Narrated by Abu Masud Al-Ansar. Bukhari 2:24:497


39. Muhammad is a music hater

The Messenger of Allah said: Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zinaa, silk, alcohol and musical instruments… Bukhari 75:5590

Allah’s Messenger (sa) said: The bell is the flute of Satan. Reported by Abu Huraira. Muslim 024:5279; Abu Dawud

The Messenger of Allah said: When my Ummah begin doing fifteen things, they will be inflicted with tribulations, and (from those 15 things He said): When female singers and musical instruments become common. Reported by Ali ibn Talib. Tirmidhi

The Messenger of Allah said: Song makes hypocrisy grow in the heart as water does herbage. Reported by Abd Allah ibn Mas’ud. Bayhaqi

The Messenger of Allah said: On the day of Resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress. Reported by Anas. Ibn Asakir & Ibn al-Misri

Ibn ‘Umar heard a woodwind instrument, and he put his fingers in his ears and kept away from that path. He said to me, O Naafi’, can you hear anything? I said, No. So he took his fingers away from his ears and said: I was with the Prophet (sa) and he heard something like this, and he did the same thing. Narrated by Naafi’. Abu Dawud


40. Muhammad lacks sense of humour

The Prophet (sa) said: If you knew that which I know, you would laugh little and weep much. Narrated by Anas. Bukhari 8:76:493


41. Muhammad laughs at genitals of a killed man

When a polytheist set fire to (i. e. attacked fiercely) the Muslims, Allah’s Messenger (sa) said to him (Sa’d): shoot an arrow. (Sa’d said) … I drew an arrow and I shot a featherless arrow at him aiming his side that he fell down and his private parts were exposed. Allah’s Messenger (sa) laughed that I saw his front teeth. Reported by ‘Amir b. Sa’d on the authority of his father. Muslim 31:5932


42. Muhammad laughs while cursing Jews

Ibn ‘Abbas reported: I saw the Messenger of Allah (sa) sitting neat the Black stone (or at a corner of the Ka’bah). He said: He (the Prophet) raised his eyes towards the heaven, and laughed, and he said: May Allah curse the Jews! He said this three times. Abu Dawud 23:3481


43. Muhammad laughs at someone’s dream of having head cut off

Jabir reported that a person came to Allah’s Messenger (sa) and said: Allah’s Messenger, I have seen in the state of sleep as if my head had been cut off. Thereupon Allah’s Messenger (sa) laughed and said: When the satan plays with any one of you in the state of sleep, do not mention it to the people. Muslim 29:5642


44. Muhammad is a hater of art

I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sa) say: The people who will be the most severely punished before Allah on the Day of Resurrection will be the image makers. Narrated by ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood. Bukhari 5606; Muslim 2109

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Those who make these images will be punished on the Day of Resurrection. It will be said to them, Give life to that which you have created! Narrated by ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar. Bukhari 5607; Muslim 2108

The Messenger of Allah (sa) said: Allah, Most High said: And who is more unjust than those who try to create the likeness of My creation? Let them create a seed or a small ant! Narrated by Abu Hurairah. Bukhari 5609; Muslim 2111


45. Muhammad breaks all statues, icons and images

The Messenger of Allah never left in his house anything containing the figure of a cross without destroying it. Narrated by ‘Aisha. Abu Dawud 34:132

Ali said to Abu Al-Hayyaj Al-Asadi: I am dispatching you with what the Prophet dispatched me: That you not leave an elevated grave without levelling it nor an image without erasing it. Narrated by Abu Wa’il. Jami at-Tirmidhi 10:85

The Prophet entered Mecca and (at that time) there were three hundred-and-sixty idols around the Ka’ba. He started stabbing the idols with a stick he had in his hand and reciting: “Truth (Islam) has come and Falsehood (disbelief) has vanished.” Narrated by ‘Abdullah bin Masud. Bukhari 3:43:658


46. Muhammad asks to destroy heads of statues even if not idols

The Messenger of Allah said: Gabriel came to me and said: I came to you last night and was prevented from entering simply because there were images at the door, for there was a decorated curtain with images on it in the house, and there was a dog in the house. So order the head of the image which is in the house to be cut off so that it resembles the form of a tree; order the curtain to be cut up and made into two cushions spread out on which people may tread; and order the dog to be turned out. The Messenger of Allah then did so. Narrated by Abu Hurayrah. Abu Dawud 34:139


47. Muhammad is a hater of dogs

The Prophet said: Angels do not enter a house which has either a dog or a picture in it. Narrated by Abu Talha. Bukhari 4:54:539

Allah’s Messenger ordered that the dogs should be killed. Narrated by ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar. Bukhari 4:54:540

Allah’s Messenger said: If somebody keeps a dog, he loses one Qirat (of the reward) of his good deeds everyday, except if he keeps it for the purpose of agriculture or for the protection of livestock. Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:54:541


48. Muhammad is a paedophile

A’isha reported: Allah’s Messenger married me when I was six years old, and I was admitted to his house when I was nine years old. Muslim 8:3310


49. Muhammad is a child abuser

The Prophet (sa) said: Command a boy to pray when he reaches the age of seven years. When he becomes ten years old, then beat him for prayer. Narrated by As-Saburah. Abu Dawud 2:494 and 2:495


50. Muhammad is a child killer

Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi: I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair. Muslim 38:4390

Narrated As-Sab bin Jaththama: The Prophet passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, “They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans).” Bukhari 4:52:256


51. Muhammad promotes slavery and okays flogging of slaves

The Prophet said: If a slave serves his master sincerely and worships his Lord (Allah) perfectly, he will get a double reward. Reported by Abdullah. Bukhari 3:46:726; also Bukhari 3:46:722, Bukhari 3:46:727

The Prophet said: None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day. Narrated by ‘Abdullah bin Sam’a. Bukhari, 7:62:132; also Bukhari, 8:73:68


52. Muhammad is a slave trader

A man pledged that his slave would be manumitted after his death. The Prophet asked, “Who will buy the slave from me?” No’aim bin ‘Abdullah bought the slave and the Prophet took its price and gave it to the owner. Narrated by Jabir bin ‘Abdullah. Bukhari 3:41:588


53. Muhammad calls debtors liars and promise-breakers

The Prophet said, “A person in debt tells lies whenever he speaks, and breaks promises whenever he makes (them).” Reported by Aisha. Bukhari 1:12:795


54. Muhammad condones violence during prayer

The Prophet said: If while you are praying, somebody intends to pass in front of you, prevent him; and should he insist, prevent him again; and if he insists again, fight with him (i.e. prevent him violently e.g. pushing him violently), because such a person is (like) a devil. Narrated by Abu Said Al-Khudri. Bukhari 4:54:495


55. Muhammad makes contradictory comments

Two men came from the east and delivered speeches, and the Prophet (sa) said: Some eloquent speech has the influence of magic. Bukhari 7:62:76

The Prophet (sa) said: I have been given the keys of eloquent speech and given victory with terror. Bukhari 9:87:127

But elsewhere he allegedly condemns people who are gifted with this magic of eloquent speech:

The Messenger of Allah (sa) said: Allah the Exalted hates the eloquent one among men who moves his tongue round, as cattle do. Abu Dawood 5005


56. Muhammad is a briber

So the Quraish and the Ansar became angry and said, “He (i.e. the Prophet) gives the chief of Najd and does not give us.” The Prophet said, “I give them so as to attract their hearts (to Islam). Bukhari 4:55:558


57. Muhammad is Mary’s Husband

The Messenger said: In heaven, Mary mother of Jesus, will be one of my wives. al-Siyuti 6/395

The Messenger said: God married me in paradise to Mary the daughter of ‘Imran and to the wife of Pharaoh and the sister of Moses. Tabarani


58. Muhammad is a racist

Allah’s Messenger said, “You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian slave whose head looks like a raisin.” Narrated by Anas bin Malik. Bukhari 9:89:256; also Bukhari 1:11:662 and 1:11:664


59. Muhammad is a white man

While we were sitting with the Prophet in the mosque, a man came riding on a camel. He made his camel kneel down in the mosque, tied its foreleg and then said: “Who amongst you is Muhammad?” At that time the Prophet was sitting amongst us leaning on his arm. We replied, “This white man reclining on his arm.” The man then addressed him, “O Son of ‘Abdul Muttalib.”… Narrated by Anas bin Malik. Bukhari 1:3:63


60. Muhammad is ungrateful

People used to come from their abodes and from Al-‘Awali (i.e. outskirts of Medina up to a distance of four miles or more from Medina). They used to pass through dust and used to be drenched with sweat and covered with dust; so sweat used to trickle from them. One of them came to Allah’s Messenger who was in my house. The Prophet said to him, “I wish that you keep yourself clean on this day of yours (i.e. take a bath).” Narrated by Aisha. Bukhari 2:13:25


61. Muhammad spits into drinks

Then Allah’s Messenger (sa) called for a cup of water and washed his hands in that and face too and put the saliva in it and then said: Drink out of it and pour it over your faces and over your chest and gladden yourselves. Muslim 44:236


62. Muhammad spits on child’s face and mouth

Narrated Mahmud bin Rabi`a: When I was a boy of five, I remember, the Prophet (sa) took water from a bucket with his mouth and threw it on my face. Bukhari 1:3:77

The first child born in the Islamic Land (i.e. Medina) amongst the Emigrants was `Abdullah bin Az-Zubair. They brought him to the Prophet. The Prophet (sa) took a date, and after chewing it, put its juice in his mouth. So the first thing that went into the child’s stomach, was the saliva of the Prophet. Narrated by Aisha. Bukhari 5:58:249; also Muslim 2148


63. Muhammad spits into wounds

Narrated Yazid bin Abi Ubaid: I saw the trace of a wound in Salama’s leg. I said to him, “O Abu Muslim! What is this wound?” He said, “This was inflicted on me on the day of Khaibar and the people said, ‘Salama has been wounded.’ Then I went to the Prophet (sa) and he puffed his saliva in it (i.e. the wound) thrice, and since then I have not had any pain in it till this hour.” Bukhari 5:59:517


64. Muhammad spits into eyes

They said: Allah’s Messenger, his (‘Ali’s) eyes are sore. He then sent for him and he was brought and Allah’s Messenger (sa) applied saliva to his eyes and invoked blessings and he was all right. Reported by Sahl b. Sa’d. Muslim 44:53


65. Muhammad spits on dead body

The Prophet (sa) came to (the grave of) `Abdullah bin Ubai after his body was buried. The body was brought out and then the Prophet (sa) put his saliva over the body and clothed it in his shirt. Narrated by Jabir. Bukhari 2:23:360


66. Muhammad is dwarf and fat

I saw AbuBarzah who came to visit Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad. Then a man named Muslim who was there in the company mentioned it to me. When Ubaydullah saw him, he said: This Muhammad of yours is a dwarf and fat. The old man (i.e. AbuBarzah) understood it. So he said: I did not think that I should remain among people who would make me feel ashamed of the company of Muhammad (sa). Thereupon Ubaydullah said: The company of Muhammad (sa) is a honour for you, not a disgrace. Narrated by AbuBarzah, attributed to AbdusSalam ibn AbuHazim AbuTalut. Abu Dawud 40:4731

The messenger made for a rock on the mountain to climb it. He had become heavy by reason of his age, and moreover he had put on two coats of mail, so when he tried to get up he could not do so. Talha b. ‘Ubaydullah squatted beneath him and lifted him up until he settled comfortably upon it. Ibn Ishaq


67. Muhammad is unclean and has lice in his head

Allah’s Messenger used to visit Um Haram bint Milhan, who would offer him meals. Um-Haram was the wife of Ubada bin As-Samit. Allah’s Messenger, once visited her and she provided him with food and started looking for lice in his head. Narrated by Anas bin Malik. Bukhari 4:52:47


68. Muhammad makes unscientific statements

The Prophet said: If a housefly falls in the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it (in the drink), for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease. Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:54:537

Allah’s Messenger said: The first portent of the Hour will be a fire that will bring together the people from the east to the west; the first meal of the people of Paradise will be Extra-lobe (caudate lobe) of fish-liver. As for the resemblance of the child to its parents: If a man has sexual intercourse with his wife and gets discharge first, the child will resemble the father, and if the woman gets discharge first, the child will resemble her. Narrated by Anas. Bukhari 4:55:546

The Prophet said: Fever is from the heat of the hellfire; so abate fever with water. Narrated by Ibn ‘Umar. Bukhari 4:54:486

Narrated Abu Dharr: I was sitting behind the Messenger of Allah who was riding a donkey while the sun was setting. He asked: Do you know where this sets? I replied: Allah and his Apostle know best. He said: It sets in a spring of warm water. Abu Dawud 4:32:3991


69. Muhammad fabricates the Quran

Narrated Ibn ‘Umar: During the lifetime of the Prophet we used to avoid chatting leisurely and freely with our wives lest some Divine inspiration might be revealed concerning us. But when the Prophet had died, we started chatting leisurely and freely (with them). Bukhari 7:62:115


70. Muhammad discriminates between messengers

The Prophet said: I am the most honourable messenger; on the Day of Judgement only I will think of my people. Bukhari 97:36

A Muslim and a Jew quarreled. The Muslim taking an oath, said, “By Him Who has preferred Muhammad over all people…!” The Jew said, “By Him Who has preferred Moses, over all people.” The Muslim raised his hand and slapped the Jew who came to the Prophet to tell him what had happened between him and the Muslim. The Prophet said, “Don’t give me superiority over Moses, for the people will become unconscious (on the Day of Resurrection) and I will be the first to gain consciousness to see Moses standing and holding a side of Allah’s Throne. I will not know if he has been among those people who have become unconscious; and that he has gained consciousness before me, or he has been amongst those whom Allah has exempted.” Narrated by Abu Huraira. Bukhari 4:55:620




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